Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

A narrow depression, perforation, or opening, especially one for receiving something, as a coin or a letter. Also, a position or period of time in a schedule or sequence: The dentist’s slot is 2 p.m.

A part in a machine or container that receives a product or piece of data: A printer has slots for paper and toner. A device or part with a slot for receiving a signal: A computer has a port that can accept a network cable. A slit or narrow opening in something: The door has slots for keys.

In gambling, a hole in a machine through which coins or tokens are inserted to activate the game. A slot also refers to a place in a deck of cards, or to the space on a television or other device that a video game cartridge can occupy.

Penny slots are a popular casino gaming option that allows players to play for low stakes. These games use random number generators to produce a variety of winning combinations. They are often designed to be fun and exciting, and some offer progressive jackpots that can increase over time. However, players should always be aware of the game’s max cashout limits before they start playing.

From the Middle English slod, from Old French esclot, from Old Norse slod, probably cognate with sleuth. See slot machine and slit.